Lyrics: Heart full of Joy

I have a heart in a golden chest
next to the nine I like the best
It wears a black dress and a diamond choker
It’s my favorite, its a real looker

But still im sad
Its not like the one i once had
A heart full of joy

I was a miner for a heart of gold
then found one and hung it on my wall
Next to the big one I stole from its nest
It would have never fit in my chest

But still im sad
They‘re not like the one i once had
A heart full of joy

I once heard a voice that cried
„Wake up you fool, im still here inside!“
But i got scared and covered my ears
It made my heart shed blood red tears

It got depressed
and flew out of my chest
my heart full of joy

It got depressed,
my heart full of joy

Lyrics: Jealous God

Last night, I woke up to a blinding light
and i saw a vision of God talking to me
He said – „You shall listen, and you shall obey
You shall tremble in fear and pray“

„For I am here to tell you the truth of me
I am here to reveal a lie
I’m not the loving god you’re all hoping for
The poor Nazarene – well he got everything wrong“

Last night the curtain fell before my eyes
and i saw the God, beyond the lies
It was the god of war, and the God of fire
run, run for your lives!

„There is something, you have done against my will.
Something that you all need to pay for.
You see, three cannot be one, do you understand?
You have disobeyed my number one command!“

Last night the curtain…

We made a golden calf to love us all
and must now appease the jealous God
The god who loves only of his kind
The god of the hateful, intolerant and blind

He sent a poison cloud from the skies
and watched us suffocate with empty eyes
The wrath of heaven is upon us all
We must die to appease the jealous God,
we all must die to appease the jealous God!

The Jealous God

What if, the white bearded creator in the kindom of heaven – against all of our hopes and wishes – is not the all loving God, but the one that he claims to be – the Jealous God!

See here for the lyrics

Gig im P8

Als Support für Magic Shoppe (USA) tauchten wir das P8 am 14. Februar in wohlige Dunkelheit. Bei tollem Sound und elektrisiertem Publikum hatten wir einen denkwürdigen Gig. Vielen Dank an PsyKa und das P8 sowie an Jana Schrietter für die Pics.

Eindrücke vom Auftritt im AKK

Hier einige Eindrücke vom erfolgreichen Auftritt im AKK. Der Laden war voll und wir hatten ein echt tolles Publikum – vielen Dank für alle, die mitgefeiert haben! Wir hoffen, bald bald den nächsten Auftritt spielen zu dürfen – bis bald!

Großes Lob und Dank an Chris Kuhlmeier fürs Fotografieren